Arya Samaj Marriage - What Are the Latest Marriages

Arya Samaj, the marriage of Lord Krishna and His consort Kashi is one of the important ceremonies performed by the devotees. In most Hindu traditions, it is considered auspicious that the Lord and His consort have their first meeting at an Arya Samaj Marriage. The wedding ceremony at the Shankaracharya Temple is attended by both the parents and the bride's father who perform the 'Dahi Handi' ceremony to wash and anoint the couple. This marriage is considered to be sacred and void of all outside interference.

Marriage in many cultures is usually a contract that binds both parties to each other for a stipulated period of time. This period can be from a few days to a month and sometimes even to a year. In Hindu weddings, however, the marriage is considered to be permanent. The marriages are arranged or marriages in which the elders of both families usually choose the young men and women who are of sound mind and have full consent from both the families. The marriage is arranged through the influence of parents, tutors, or guardians, either by parents, family members, or relatives.

Marriage in most societies is seen as a contract and is accompanied by elaborate rituals. These rituals are meant to make the marriage more auspicious and to assure the best possible wishes for the newlyweds. The marriage is conducted in a hall or a temple where there is an offering of flowers, sweets, and wine.

An invitation to the marriage is sent to both the families or the guardians of the two families through intermediaries. It is then attended by the elders of the families who perform the 'Dahi Handi' ceremonies and the couple is sealed with the marriage-wishes. It is believed that these marriages are performed to ensure that the new couple remains with the blessings of the guardian deity of the family. Some families also perform the rituals of 'Uttarbasti' which is believed to grant children permanent happiness.

The wedding day is marked with immense excitement and joy. There are various activities planned out by both families, which helps to augment the celebration. Initially, the gifts are exchanged between the two families and later on, the bride and the groom are forcing to perform the 'Rakhi Samadhi' together. Special hymns and verses are recited by the priest during the ceremony of 'Rakhi Samadhi' to make sure that the couple takes pleasure in this momentous occasion.

These days, there are separate rooms for the newlyweds called the 'Kanyada Nandimukta' which is meant for the newlywed. This is followed by various other ceremonies and rituals apart from the marriage itself. These kinds of marriage -arias are performed at the instance of the parents or the guardians of the couple who believe that their child is benefited by every minute they spend with their spouse.


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